An annual registration fee of $25.00 is due for each dancer when registering for classes.
All classes must be paid for in advance by credit. Fees are based on an average of four classes per month.
No additional charge applied when a fifth lesson occurs, nor is there a reduction when fewer than four classes are held due to a major holiday, absence, or recital. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
All fees are due on the 1st of every month.
Missed classes may be made up by attending another class at the same level or lower. There are no refunds, nor can any missed classes be applied to a subsequent month’s tuition.
It is necessary to notify the Studio X front desk when changing a class schedule or discontinuing classes. Fees are due until we have been notified of any classes being dropped.
It is required to give a 30 day notice if you would like to take a break from Studio X. If the dancer takes a break mid season you are required to re-register and pay the $25 re-registration fee.
tuition table
Number of Classes | Price Per Month |
1 class per week | $65 |
2 classes per week | $110 |
3 classes per week | $150 |
4 classes per week | $185 |
5 classes per week | $215 |
6 classes per week | $240 |
Recreational - Single Class Drop In: | $20 |
Company Level/MasterClasses - Single Class Drop In: | $40 |